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Jimmy Kimmel rips Bartram Trail yearbook controversy in opening monologue

"It's like they put the Taliban in charge of the yearbook committee," Kimmel said.

ST JOHNS, Fla. — Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel mentioned a local story that has gotten national attention since it was first reported last week.

During Monday's Jimmy Kimmel Live opening monologue, the comedian discussed the ongoing controversy of yearbook pictures that had been altered by Bartram Trail High School in St. Johns County.

RELATED: School decides to cover girls' chests by altering yearbook photos, St. Johns County students, parents angry

"It's like they put the Taliban in charge of the yearbook committee," Kimmel said.

Kimmel also showed a picture of male students in speedos that was not altered, pointing out the different standards girls were held to than boys.

RELATED: Students, parents demand change to dress code following yearbook photo fiasco

"It's nice to know there are still heroes out there protecting our kids from all this sinful 'V-neckery,'" Kimmel closed.

You can watch the segment below. The part of the monologue discussing the Bartram Trail story begins at the 1:46 mark and last for a little over one minute.

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