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Clay County Fair reopens, celebrates 35th anniversary

Last year, the fair was cancelled because of COVID-19.

CLAY COUNTY, Fla. — April 1 marks the 35th anniversary of the Clay County Fair. Last year the fair was canceled because of COVID.

The annual fair is what many families look forward to.

“Every year, we come every year, the best fair," said Butch Sumner, a fair goer.

Last year, this fair was canceled because of the pandemic, but this year they are back with 3 new rides.

“We were actually able to have the fair this year and we’re so excited. we have over forty rides, we have our food vendors, we have our livestock," said Kelly Mosley, marketing director of the clay county fair.

With the fair re-opening Kelly Mosley, marketing director of the clay county fair, says they do have protocols put in place like hand sanitizing stations and encouraging people to social distance.

“We have a safe plan in place there’s lots of space for folks to come in and enjoy the fair. we have mask available if guest want to wear a mask," said Kelly. 

Mosely says masks aren’t required to enter the park, but Heather Huffman, Health Department Administrator of Clay and Interim in Duval says they are keeping a close eye on this event.

“This year we probably are going to see record crowds because it is a large event happening here. My epidemiology department that does the contact tracing and the contact investigations we have beefed up to do a lot of surveillance and watch cases as they come out of this," said Huffman. 

“Our residence have done a fantastic job throughout the pandemic following the CDC guidelines related to social distancing and wearing a mask. We continue to provide guidelines to our residence," said Huffman. 

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