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Marilyn Smith has a guardian angel in the classroom

Our Teacher of the Week honoree is from R.L. Brown Gifted and Academically Talented Academy. Congratulations Ms. Marilyn Smith!

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — This week, our Teacher of the Week honoree is from R.L. Brown Gifted and Academically Talented Academy. Congratulations Ms. Marilyn Smith!

Ms. Smith is a first grade teacher, and she says she has a guardian angel with her every step of the way.

She was also surprised to learn she’d been nominated for Teacher of the Week.

“I was so surprised and I had no idea it was happening and I was very excited and also just super grateful that I have a supportive group of people in my life and just an amazing class and it touched my heart and made me feel very good,” said Smith.

Smith says the honor means a lot to her and it also reminds her of why she does it.

Her mother was a teacher and she wanted to be just like her.

“My mom was a teacher and growing up, I always wanted to be like her and just watching her and going to her classroom at the end of the day and I thought it was the coolest thing and that was my big drive to want to be a teacher,” said Ms. Smith.

In 2016, Ms. Smith’s mom died before she could see her daughter become a teacher.

She says her spirit lives throughout the classroom.

“When she passed away, it was right before I started teaching and people would tell me she’s going to be with you in the classroom more now… not that you’d want to hear that but I truly believe that everything I do in the classroom, she’s here with me,” said Smith.

What sets Smith a part is the personal connection she makes with students.

“We have such a tight schedule but finding those moments that I can talk to them about their football game they played with Saturday or movie that they went to last night or the birthday party they went to,” said Smith.

These are just a few of the reasons Smith was featured, but her principal can list more.

“I was so excited and I just knew that this is a long time coming for her, she’s not Teacher of the Week… she’s Teacher of the Year, and she is a teacher among leaders,” said Kristi Kincaid, Principal.

To nominate your favorite educator, go to firstcoastnews.com/education.

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