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Should you worry if your dog gets 'Whale Eyes?'

It's smart to learn dog language so you can avoid a dog bite at home.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jennifer Shryock is a certified dog behavior consultant. She trains families nationwide to recognize the warning signs a dog is unhappy and might even bite.

"We don't grow up speaking dog," Shyrock said.

Her organization is called Family Paws Parent Education, specializing in creating dog awareness for families with babies or toddlers.

She said you might think your dog is a total sweetheart, and maybe he always is when he is around you.  

However, when a baby is introduced into the home, she explains, the dog may look at the child as a 'new creature.' In fact, as the baby crawls and then toddles, each stage turns into another 'new creature' to the family dog.

And the dog might not like it.

So learn the red flags when your dog might not be a happy camper.

You can watch the video from Shyrock. The dog's name is Mikka and the baby's mom is taking the video.

Notice the warning signs.

#1 Whale Eyes

The video shows "a lot of whale eyes," Shryock said. It's when you see the whites of a dog's eyes. It often means your dog is trying to tell you he's uncomfortable or nervous.

Credit: Shyrock

That anxiety can escalate into a growl or a bite. 

"I want to empower families to know they can stop this way before then," Shyrock said.

#2 A Kiss to Dismiss

The video shows Mikka "kissing" or licking the baby. You might think it looks cute. However, Shyrock says it is often dog language for, "Do you mind? Would you stop? I'm asking you. Really, could you stop?" 

The baby, she said, "is too close to the dog."  

Credit: Shyrock

Why doesn't the dog just get up and walk off?  

"It's in conflict," Shyrock explained. 

Dogs will stay close to their adult owners. If you're there, the dog is by your side, even if his anxiety is building.

#3 Lip Licking

In the video, you can see Mikka lick the baby but then lick his own lips right away. 

"When a dog licks their own lips, usually that's a distancing behavior," Shyrock said. 

You can even see Mikka push her paws towards the baby as if to say, "Please get away."

Credit: Shyrock

#4 Yawning and Sudden Scratching

Shyrock said don't be fooled.  A yawn doesn't always mean your dog is bored or tired.  

In this video, she said, when you consider all the other communication from Mikka, the yawn and sudden scratching indicate growing discomfort of the dog. 

Mikka even keeps looking at the baby's mom, who's taking the video, as if to say, "Rescue me!"

The bottom line is be smart and learn dog language.

If you'd like to learn more, follow this link to Family Paws Parents Education.

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