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Jacksonville doctor says nearsightedness has doubled in youth - The culprit? Screen time

The pandemic had an added negative effect on screen time as well only exacerbating the issue.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Screen time is on the rise. That’s for all of us but especially kids. 

A new study from JAMA Pediatrics looked at nearly 30,000 kids and how much time they spent in front of a screen in 2019 versus 2022. 

They found screen time for those 18 and under have increased by an hour and 24 minutes since the pandemic. 

As we spend more time up close to a screen, that’s impacting the eyes of a generation.

Glasses used to be a marker of an older generation, but the glowing screens of technology are changing that with school transitioning online for many and social media taking over our lives. 

As we move closer to screens for work, school and play, it’s harder for people to see objects farther away. Nearsightedness is on the rise.

“It has pretty much doubled from the previous (generation)," said Dr. Kimberly Riordan, Optometrist with Florida Eye Specialists. "We are seeing young people spending a lot more time in front of a computer. If they’re not on a computer, it’s a smart phone. If they’re not on a smart phone, they’re on a tablet. The more time we are focusing up close, we become more nearsighted or myopic.”

We are blinking less while working closer to our screens which dries out our eyes. Long term, it can thin your retina putting you at a higher risk for retinal tearing or glaucoma. 

“We don’t realize how much time has passed. Hours could go by and we don’t even realize it," Riordan said. “It’s actually a hot topic in eye care.”

If your vision is feeling strained or blurry, let’s make it clear: it’s time to examine your eyes and your screen time.

“Blinking is like breathing, we don’t think about it. We automatically do it. However when we are reading on a computer or tablet, we are not blinking as much.”

Dr. Riordan says get your kid's eyes examined before they begin school and if they are feeling the strain.

There are two things that can help right now. She recommends artificial tears eye drops with the preservatives. 

Also, try the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes of screen time, look away at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds to reduce the strain. 

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