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Average Guy Does Olympics: Lew does the 50-meter freestyle

We're trying to add some perspective as to just how good these athletes are by inserting a control group into this science experiment: Average Guy Lew Turner.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — It was once tweeted by legendary actor and comedian Bill Murray that every Olympics event should include one average person for reference.

And while he may be pushing it a little by calling himself "average," Lewis Turner has volunteered to try several of the athletic events, and then compare his times or distances to the best gold-medal winning athletes.

In his first attempt, he tried the 50-meter freestyle swim. It's an all out swimming sprint, one length of a long course pool.

Episcopal swimming head coach Martin Zubero says the best in the world will go the whole length without breathing once.

"Breathing will slow you down, so the best never do it," he said. "If you do breathe," he told Turner, "You've got to kick hard through the breath."

In the video above, you can hear Zubero shouting for Turner to stop breathing during his swim, which came in at just over 37 seconds. 

"The world record is 20.9 seconds," Zubero said. "Caeleb Dressel is the best in the world at the 50 free, and he'll be right around 21 seconds."

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