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First Coast Tech Talk | Here's why investing in an electric toothbrush is worth every penny

You may be surprised by the benefits.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Believe it or not, electric toothbrushes are actually far superior to any other toothbrushes on the market. Yes, in today’s First Coast Tech Talk, we are talking about toothbrushes!

This was brought up to me by one of my colleagues and, upon them explaining it to me, I couldn’t pass up on this story.

At first glance, you may look at some of these prices of these toothbrushes and think: “These are way too expensive just to brush my teeth!” However, that’s where the buy-in price is worth it! 

This article breaks down everything that makes electric toothbrushes better than your run of the mill, let’s plaster this piece of plastic with the gagging flavor of mint and brush as fast as I can toothbrush. 

Electric toothbrushes remind me of those toothbrushes that played songs for the time span you were supposed to brush your teeth. It was a fun gimmick for kids that I’m sure made plenty of money, but as an adult, I don’t want to listen to a kid pop song while I’m doing all I can to not think about the horrible taste of mint in my mouth! 

But let’s discuss the biggest elephant in the room… the price. 

On Amazon, you can buy an electric toothbrush for $36.95! This particular toothbrush comes with multiple items and not just the brush itself. In theory, that’s a great price. Not only are you getting the toothbrush, but you also get a kit that comes with it that lets you change out the heads of the brush as well as a traveling case and a charging kit. On the other hand, you can buy a two-pack of plain jane toothbrushes with nothing special about them at Target for $6.99.

When you look at the differences between these two products, there is clearly a huge price gap, but for good reason. 

Electric toothbrushes have shown to improve teeth and gum cleanliness. On top of that, the electric toothbrush will automatically turn off after the allotted time for brushing your teeth has passed (this is usually in the range of two-three minutes.) 

When it comes to pricing, what makes the electric brushes higher in price is all of the features. The majority of these toothbrushes not only have a timer so you know when you need to stop brushing, but they are also rechargeable.

These batteries make it so that you never have to buy batteries specific to what the toothbrush needs, and on top of that, what you pay for usually comes with several other items, such as the traveling case mentioned earlier. Other items included are multiple brush heads and even a digital reminder when to replace your brush head.

Overall, the price is well worth it if you can find the right deals! I suggest Amazon for the best possible prices because they seem to have the lowest out of everyone else.

Did you just use five minutes of your day to learn about toothbrushes? Yes, you did, and you're welcome for the free information. 

ALSO: First Coast Tech Talk | Here's why you should not buy a gaming console this holiday season; Save your money!

Avery Latta-Raines is a producer at First Coast News. He can be reached at Jlattarain@firstcoastnews.com or on Facebook

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